Stuart Malina will be conducting a program that will include Offenbach’s “Orpheus in the Underworld” with its famous “Can-Can,” music from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “West Side Story,” the “Col. Bogey March” (better known for its use in the film, “Bridge over the River Kwai”) and Leroy Anderson’s “Bugler’s Holiday” plus musical tributes to the Big Band era and the Armed Forces. Odin Rathnam, the orchestra’s concertmaster, will be the soloist for a virtuosic take on famous themes from Bizet’s most popular opera, Pablo de Sarasate’s Carmen Fantasy.
If the “Col. Bogey March” was sung during World War II to rather low-class lyrics referencing Hitler's anatomy, there’s also Allan Sherman’s “You Went the Wrong Way, Old King Louie,” a tongue-in-cheek salute to Bastille Day and the French Revolution which the orchestra will perform in Malina's own arrangement.
What would a summer concert of American patriotic music be without a musical salute to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia? I’m not sure why Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture has caught on with our country‘s 4th of July concerts – aside from the fact it’s really cool music – but try and NOT play it! I know it’s been a standard fixture of the Harrisburg Symphony’s summer concerts since the Barge Concerts were first initiated along the river in the 1980s.
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Now, programs are as susceptible to change as the weather forecast. While Thursday is the only day so far that looks like there might be a chance of showers, things are looking pretty good. However, should showers kick in after a concert’s started, it’s possible the program will be shortened.
Here’s a little more information about each performance: remember, all of them are free to the public but the indoor ones have limited seating.
On Thursday, the orchestra plays at Negley Park in Lemoyne at 8pm with pre-concert entertainment from 6:30 to 7:20 with the Consagra Jazz Combo. The Boy Scouts’ color guard presents the flag and then the National Anthem will be sung a cappella by the Cedar Cliff Chamber Choir. (Rain location: Washington Heights Elementary School just a few blocks away on Lemoyne's Walnut Street.) Sponsored by the Community of Lemoyne. [Update re:parking - this from the Lemoyne Police by way of the Patriot-News.]
On Friday, the orchestra plays at the American Music Fest on the Comcast Star Stage along the river in downtown Harrisburg. This performance begins at 8:30pm and will conclude with fireworks. Though the forecast is looking pretty good for the weekend, Justin Case tells me the rain location will be the Forum at N. 5th & Walnut Streets (without fireworks, btw). Sponsored by Dauphin County Commissioners.
Then on Saturday, rain or shine, the orchestra performs in Lutz Auditorium of Lebanon Valley College, Annville at 7:30. Sponsored by Lebanon Valley College.
Sunday evening’s performance will be at Carlisle’s Summerfair on the Rush Campus of Dickinson College beginning at 7:30 with a rain location at the Carlisle Theater at 40 W. High Street. Sponsored in part by Orrstown Bank. Senator Pat Vance assisted in obtaining additional funds.
Then on Monday, the orchestra plays indoors at the East Juniata High School in McAlisterville beginning at 7:30. Sponsored by First National Bank of Mifflintown and the Lawrence L. & Julia Z. Hoverter Foundation.
So one of those is bound to be near you – and I hope you’ll be able to join us for a fun evening of summer music-making. For the outdoor concerts, it’s best to bring a lawn chair – and just a reminder, since these are public parks, BYOB means “Bring Your Own Blanket.”
Send up good thoughts for great weather – and have a Happy & Safe 4th of July!
- Dr. Dick
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